Receiving Love

love receiving love May 01, 2014

As we open up to the unique vibration of our Spirit we begin to allow the energies of peace, goodness, beauty and love to enter into our bodies and lives. Yet, we often feel blocked from receiving these positive energies because we feel "undeserving". Of course we are deserving, yet be believed a lie about ourselves. Why would we do that?

As a way to protect ourselves from "recreating" past hurt and challenges, we store energetic blocks or "pain pictures" in our chakras to help us remember the lessons that caused us great pain. Some of the energetic blocks we "hold on to" are anger, hurt, fear, resentment and judgment. We might "believe" we are protecting ourselves from allowing the same type of past harm from happening again, however the opposite is taking holing on to these blocks we are actually attracting these same experiences over and over again.

The deeper lesson here is--when we unknowingly identify with our "blocked energy" and "pain pictures" that we "hold on to" as a way to protect ourselves, we begin to believe that is who we are...a protective person, a person with walls, an angry person, a hurt person, a victim, a secretive person, an unlovable person...a resentful person. So when peace, goodness, beauty and love enters our lives we don't feel as deserving because we have been mostly identifying with what we have been "holding on to"...past stuck energy.

The past does not exist...there is only this moment - now. The way we managed our energy in the past with pain and hurt no longer works. We are learning to use our energy more consciously. We are all made from, and in a relationship with the same "one energy" - within all life. We are in a relationship with our Divine-self through each person, animal, tree and all of life. So as we deeply heal the blocks within "ourselves" through forgiveness, unconditional love and ultimately more self-love...we no longer react to the "pain pictures" in others because we have healed it within ourselves-- we begin to feel love and compassion for all life instead.

We energetically "set ourselves free" to receive all the profound good and loving energy in our lives, which we deserve and is the birthright of our Spirit within our bodies...right here, right now!

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